Questions about our company and project process? Check out our frequently asked question list below for more information. If you don't see something that answers your inquiry below, contact us and we'll respond to you as soon as possible!

What types of warranties are available?

Every construction contract includes warranties.  At Enclad, we most commonly get questions regarding our material and labor warranties.  Material warranties may vary in length depending on the paint finish and often cover the material for 10-20 years depending on the type of coating system utilized.  Various raw materials carry a range of terms as well depending on the type of raw material utilized.  It’s standard that Enclad’s labor is covered for one year from substantial completion of a project.  If you have specific questions regarding material or labor warranties, please feel free to contact us.  

How important is communication in keeping a cladding process on time and on budget?

Communication is vital.  Most cladding systems have a minimum lead time of six weeks.  Some systems require as many as twelve to sixteen weeks to source.  These times, coupled with time for shop drawings to be generated and submitted allow for a very small margin for error.  At Enclad, we work diligently to stay in constant communication with our clients and other disciplines involved in the building process to ensure we are managing expectations and building together.  We collaborate with other members of the team to make certain we are paying close attention to timing, specifically framing and field measuring, to ensure that our materials are ordered, delivered and installed on schedule.

When is the best time to get a cladding contractor involved?

At Enclad, we believe that it is never too early to get a cladding contractor involved in a project.  We embrace opportunities to be involved in the planning and design phases of a project for many reasons.  Enclad, along with our clients and the design firm are able to work closely together to provide the best system within the design concept while at the same working to keep the project on budget.

Interested in working with us? Contact us to get started.
